This, that and the other…

Well, THIS is where I am with the current piece…

IMAG4548Would anyone care to suggest a title? Usually something pops up in my mind, but I think my creative impulse is taking a spring break…

Here it is a bit closer up…

IMAG4549 IMAG4550 IMAG4551 IMAG4552 IMAG4553 IMAG4554


While THAT – below– is what happens when you finally get your old easel out and play with paint all afternoon.


Although I always felt most at home with oil paint,  the practical difficulties of using it in a house where there’s no space to leave your kit set up and where you have to snatch opportunities ‘as and when’, has prevented me from painting for years. But lately Number One Daughter and I have been dabbling in gouache and acrylics, which although not the same as oil, do give you the chance to use similar techniques, and can be tidied up fairly painlessly – (the kitchen gallantly doubles as a studio, but sooner or later it has to revert to primary function).

So as it was SO MUCH FUN, I shall probably do it again…


And THE OTHER news…

I’ve been going all soft and gooey over the delicious yarns from Eleanor at Solstice Yarns (be warned, a visit to her Etsy shop will have you dribbling and/or grasping for your credit card)

IMAG4556This little bundle of silky joy is my latest acquisition.

And on a more mundane front, I have just bought these little chaps…


I’ve had so much trouble with very sore fingers over the last year or so, sometimes I wondered if I was allergic to the yarn or scrim, but then I read something recently about nickel allergy and a penny dropped. Of course it might not be anything to do with it, but I’m going gold-plated for now to see if things improve.

Happy stitching!


Over in the sidebar, are my Instagram pics of the Daily Tree Project, with the occasional stitchy update and other random snaps from daily life around here.

Do feel free to explore, or follow on Instagram or Twitter.

32 thoughts on “This, that and the other…

  1. Wow! It has a tremendous feeling of nature clawing back! It reminded me of Ronald Wright’s book A Scientific Romance where the sub-tropical vegetation is reclaiming London and the M1.

    1. Thank you – my phone isn’t very good at close-ups and colours, this piece is quite twinkly but it doesn’t photograph.

  2. Beautiful. I love the colours and texture and agree it has a Jacobean look. The painting is lovely too. I didn’t realise you paint. As for the purchases, we all need to treat ourselves sometime. 🙂

    1. It’s been a long time since I did any proper painting, but I really love it. I’m very lucky to have the time to do it again now.

  3. Great work, both the embroidery and the painting. Such a variety of intricate stitching. There is so much to see in the embroidery, that it is difficult to come up with just one title. Definitely flora and fauna though. Snails and a peacock stand out for me. Look forward to seeing the finished piece.

  4. It is amazing how everyone sees something different in a piece of work isn’t it? The first word that came into my mind was ‘swirling’ and then an image of autumn leaves spiralling around on the surface of water. No ideas for a title, lovely work though – and I just dare not look at that etsy site for fear of buying!

  5. I can just feel the textures in my mind – it is a beautiful piece and stunning colours it temps me to have a go myself but I must resist – I have too many half started projects already. I think Exuberance because of the rich colours attributed to the Jacobean period. Glad you had a wonderful afternoon painting – lovely picture too.

    1. Thank you. Yes it’s got a lot more going on than the last one, I’ve been experimenting with adding a bit more dimension – glad that comes across.

  6. Oh that is gorgeous – leaves with flow. I love the colours and textures and can see that sparkle once you mention it. A lovely painting as well – I’ve never had the nerve to try oils, but you can get a gel to extend the liquidity of acrylics and make them more transparent. Number one daughter is lucky to have such an inspiring mum 🙂

      1. yes, sharing art with youngsters is always a delight – you’re free to try out anything ‘cos you know they won’t be critical, just go along with the fun and see what happens – in this case something rather wonderful!

  7. I think you want a title that has something to do with Curves or Spirals… Or how about “Ramifications” – to me, a word that carries a certain sense of investigation and adventure…?

    1. Rachel hello, lovely to meet you. It’s fascinating the way certain words conjure images isn’t it, I’ve always loved ‘machinations’ it makes me think of tangled masses of threads. Spirals crop up in most of my artwork in some way or another – must mean something in my subconscious!

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